Pleasure Excursion to Newark, 1859

In 1859 the cemetery was located on Butler Street where the Village Hall was later built. The boat described was either a steam-driven ferry, or the writer misunderstood how the chain ferry worked. The pleasure excursion was apparently planned to advertise regular service to the Kalamazoo by the Huron which was begun in 1859. The settlement of Newark was renamed Saugatuck in 1868.
SDHS NL Inserts
Winthers, Sally
Digital data in CatalogIt
Old Harbor/Channel piers pre-1906/Ox-Bow LagoonFishtown
Singapore, Michigan 1837-1875
Faasen, James T.
Nov 22, 2024
Summary of important points by James T. Faasen: - At the mouth of the river on left (north) is an old stone house once connected to the lighthouse and two other small building. Opposite side of the river are seven small houses. - At Singapore there are two stream powered saw mills and four of five houses. States this site plus the building at the mouth of the river constitute Singapore. - Newark is about 20 years old, it states (1839). In the village contains fifty dwelling houses, less than half painted, three stores, one hotel, three mills, and a school house. Asked if they had any churches, the reply is no, but plenty of Whiskey shops. City lots were not selling, but valued at $50 per lot for the best lots. Hotel is very well kept, but writter dosen’t know how the owner survives. Old fogyism present in the inhabitance (a person, typically an old one, who is considered to be old-fashioned or conservative in attitude or tastes: a bunch of old fogeys). On the corner of one of the business streets is a cemetery fenced in by a Virginia rail fence. - On leaving, they pass the Ellen Pike being towed out into Lake Michigan. Also at Singapore the Sea Star loaded with lumber.
This information was OCR text scanned from SDHS newsletter supplements. A binder of original paper copies is catalog item 2023.50.01