Mt. Baldhead Radar purchase letters

give insights into the decommissioning of the site
Winthers, Sally
Letter from Michigan Congressman Edward Hutchinson to RJ Peterson of River Queen Boat Works
CC'd to Lynn McCray, Saugatuck Village President, this letter acknowledges Petersons interest in purchasing the radar station.
May 19, 1969
Letter from Daniel T. Kingsley, Commissioner, Property Management and Disposal Service, General Services Administration, Washington D.C. to Representative Edward Hutchinson
Informing Hutchinson that request to purchase radar installation has been forwarded to General William F. Cassidy, Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C,
May 16, 1969
Memo from RJ Peterson to Kit Lane, Jack Sheridan, the Commerical Recrod and Saugatuck Council
Two page memo outlining RJ Peterson's recollection of the radar installation purchase.
Apr 4, 2005
Files Accession Number
Hutchinson, J. Edward 1914-1985McCray, Lynn