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Land Grants, Saugatuck-Douglas area


This information was copied off the SDHC website in August 2023 in preparation for a new website.

1830 Settlement, pioneer era

Winthers, Sally

Digital data in CatalogIt

Faasen, James T.Butler, William Gay 1799-1857Pumpernickle's/Carl's AG/Richard Roda's Billiard Hall/Union Hotel 1870Bronson, Arthur 1801-1844

Saugatuck & Douglas Area Land Grants Federal Land Patents in Township 03 North, Range 16 West in Michigan between 1834 and 1839 The native Potawatomi Indians of Michigan ceded nearly all the land south of Grand river and west of the principal meridian to the United States by the 1821 Treaty of Chicago. This treaty did give the exception, among others, for "One tract at the village the Match-be-barh-she-wish, at the head of the Kekalamazoo river," which is assumed to be Section 16, the future location of Douglas and thus the reason there are no Land Grants in Section 16. William Gay Butler (1799-1857)*, the first settlers in the area, came to the mouth of the Kalamazoo river and located his homestead in the fall of 1829 in Section 9. With the help of Lucius A. Barnes (1808-1890), a clerk for Indian trader Louis Campau (1791-1871)*, Butler built his house, a 14'x18' log cabin about 495 feet from the river at about what is now the northwest corner Butler and Mason streets in Saugatuck, or about the present location of the Roda Building. However, at that time, Mr. Butler would have been technically considered a squatter. *In the original webpage, the paragraph above included links to: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/41776805/louis-campau https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/9546676/william-gay-butler Lands in the Territory of Michigan could not be placed on sale until after the completion of the official survey. The area we now call Saugatuck was first officially surveyed in 1831 by Lucius Lyon (1800-1851)*, the future Senator from Michigan, with subdivisions by Calvin Brittain (1800-1862)*, the future Lieutenant Governor of Michigan. *In the original webpage, the paragraph above included links to: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7450601/lucius-lyon https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30456862/calvin-britain According to the book "History of Allegan County"* by Dr. Henry F. Thomas, "From 1831 to 1834 the land office for southwest Michigan was located at White Pigeon in St. Joseph county, to which point all those buying lands during those years had to go to make their payments and obtain legal title to their pre emptions. After 1834 the Allegan county settlers entered their lands at Kalamazoo where the land office for this part of the state was continued until 1858. The United States law required that every piece of land should be put up at auction after which if not bid off it was subject to private entry at one dollar and a quarter per acre. It was an unwritten law among the settlers that each pre emptor should have the privilege of making the only bid on his land. This right was universally respected among the settlers no one bidding on another's claim. It occasionally happened however that an eastern man unaccustomed to the ways of the west essayed to bid on the home of a settler, but was soon convinced in frontier fashion that such action was a distinct contravention of western custom. The land speculator in particular was persona non grata with the settlers and in some parts of the country associations known as squatters unions were formed to protect the settler in his claims and when necessary to use force in compelling the speculator to desist from his sharp practices. It was owing to the fact that the public auction of land enabled the speculator to bid in as virgin soil and at the usual price of a dollar and a quarter an acre lands that had been settled and improved by an industrious pioneer that the system of public sales was finally abolished." *In the original webpage, the paragraph above included links to: https://books.google.dk/books/about/HISTORY_OF_ALLEGAN_COUNTY_MICHIGAN.html?id=LQpw51_8JNEC&redir_esc=y Arthur Bronson (1801-1844),* another early land owner, was a New York City financier who speculated in lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. He came to Chicago for the first time in the winter of 1832-1833 from New York and soon was in contact with other leading businessmen and local land-owners. He along with his father, Isaac, were instrumental in the creation of both the New York and Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Companies. His land deeds in Allegan county all state he was from New York City, thus a true land speculator with no ties to the area. Arthur Bronson died of pneumonia on 19 Nov 1844. *In the original webpage, the paragraph above included links to: http://toto.lib.unca.edu/findingaids/mss/speculation_lands/biographies/bronson_arthur.html A name well known in Saugatuck and St. Joseph was Col Henry Bates Hoffman (1805-1889)*, who among other holdings owned the land known as Morrison's addition and Resort addition east to N. Maple St to include what is called John Francis land on the 1913 map. It is assumed that this is the Mr. Hoffman from St. Joseph stated in the Butler letters, but in 1834 Henry B. Hoffman was from Berrien County, the son of Col. William and Catherine (Driscoll) Hoffman (1783-1873) and the brother of George W. Hoffman (1809-1886) of St. Joseph and would also be the brother of General William Hoffman Jr (1807-1884) classmate of Robert E. Lee. In the 1830 census, Henry B. Hoffman would be in Mackinac Island and by a short bio of his brother George W. Hoffman* in "A Twentieth Century History of Berrien county, Michigan,"* in 1831 Henry B Hoffman engaged in the mercantile business in Mackinac then removed to Niles and went into partnership with his brother, George W. Hoffman. In 1853, Henry B. Hoffman removed to Davenport, Iowa and George went to Detroit in 1857 where he died a few years since. The Hoffman family was a military one connected with the regular army. The father Major William Hoffman* made his home at Niles after 1839. He was a major in the United States army during the Florida war. He died at Corpus Christi during service in the Mexican war. His son Satterlee Hoffman was also in the Mexican war and was killed at the battle of Cherubusco. Col. Hoffman was a gentleman of the old school. He and his brother, George Hoffman, laid out several additions to Niles. Niles Daily Star, Wednesday, March 27, 1889, page 3, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library Henry B. Hoffman, Esq., one of the early settlers of Niles, and for many years one of our most respected citizens, died at Davenport, Iowa, on the 21st Inst. Several of the additions to the city of Niles bear his name. *In the original webpage, the paragraph above included links to: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/118457465/henry-bates-hoffman https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/99563871/george-w-hoffman https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/8320035/william-hoffman https://books.google.dk/books/about/a_twentieth_century_history_of_berrien_c.html?id=3G0Qo9lf4nsC&redir_esc=y Then there is the sad case of Solomon E. Mason, of St. Joseph, who tragically died in early Sep 1834 before his land grants were issued in Washington D. C. on 6 Nov 1834. Mason Street in downtown Saugatuck is named after him. "The Corrector / Sag Harbor, NY / September 20, 1834 Melancholy Accident. - We learn with sorrow that the schr, Postboy, while on her passage from Chicago to Buffalo, was capsized near the Manitou Islands, and all on board except the captain and mate, drowned. Among those who were lost was Mr. Solomon E. Mason, of St. Joseph. Detroit Courier. New York Evening Post unknown date in 1834 late August or early September AFFLICTING PROVIDENCE. - By a letter from St. Joseph, we have the pariculars of the disaster which recently befell the schooner PostBoy, and the loss of four persons. One of the individuals who has thus met an untimely fate is Mr. Solomon E. Mason, of St. Joseph, and formerly of this city. Mr. M. was personally known to many of our readers, and the pain and regret manifested by the loss of os valuable a citizen a d friend, bespeak for his virtues the most lively recollection. -- Detroit Free Press. ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 25. -- The schooner Post Boy left this port on the 10th inst., having on board Mr. S. E. Mason, and Robert Deacon, captain, mate, and two hands. When near the Manitou Island, about 70 mile, from Mackinac, the schooner was struck by a ___ of wind and capsized. At this time (about 10 o'clock in the evening) Mr. Mason and one of the bands were asleep in the cabin, and it is supposed were corwned immediately. The captain, mate, Mr. Deacon, and a sailor stock to the vessel for twenty boors, during which time it drifted aground. The four ___, cut away the main boom and aitempted to make the shore upon it. The captain and mate succeeded: Mr. Deacon and the sailor, overcome by fatigue and exhaustion, were lost. "Two vessels have gone to the wreck." Research by James T. Faasen 2013 Related references History of Allegan and Barry counties, Michigan 1880 https://archive.org/details/cu31924032193587 Saugatuck-Douglas Area Maps http://sdhistoricalsociety.net/research/SDHSWeb/maps/maps.htm Letters of interest https://www.sdhistoricalsociety.org/publications/NLHist/P70.php Gen Horace Hawkins Comstock https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46056621/horace-hawkins-comstock

[Additional land grant information from the SDHS newsletter insert pages 413-416.] William G. Butler and His Land Grants As more public records become available on the web, interesting facts are coming to light about the land purchases of William G. Butler, who, with his wife, Mary, and two children were the first settlers in Allegan County, and the founders of Saugatuck. William was born September 28, 1799, in Hartford, Connecticut, the son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Gay) Butler. He was married in 1 826 (or possibly 1827) to Mary Wells, also originally of Hartford, but they were married at Dundaff, a small town near the southern boundary of Susquehanna County in northeast Pennsylvania, where William was a merchant. Moving west, they may have stopped first at Elkhart, Indiana. It is quite likely that they traveled up the St. Joseph River to its mouth, and there boarded the schooner that brought them to the mouth of the Kalamazoo in May of 1830. At least one of their children arrived with them. They camped at the mouth while William built a raft, and poled or rowed it upriver to a flat area near where the river widened into a lake. He built a log house, and waited while government surveyors worked to get the land ready to put on the market. To get groceries and dry goods he walked along the beach back to St. Joseph where an old account book shows visits on May 14, June 4, June 10 and November 18, 1834, and April 4, 1835. Purchases included coffee, tea, sugar, fabric, and door latches. When the surveyors were finished, in 1833, Butler went to White Pigeon Prairie where the General Land Office was located. Now called White Pigeon, the small town just north of the Indiana border, in St. Joseph County, south of Three Rivers and west of Sturgis, still exists, and the building that housed the Land Office in 1833 has recently been restored, and is open to visitors. William's first land entry, interestingly, is not Saugatuck. but a small tract of 1.59 acres . about where South Haven was later located on section 10 in Van Buren County. On May 20,1$34, he purchased the three tracts that would become part of Saugatuck, but November 6 of that year he was back at White Pigeon to buy a larger, 83.85 acre site near South Haven in section 3, South Haven Township, Van Buren County. Besides the two Van Buren County plots, there was one, in 1856, which was located in Valley Township near the juncture of Swan Creek and the Kalamazoo River, and another, in 1834, in Spring Lake Township, Ottawa County, near the mouth of the Grand River. The other 12 purchases were in Saugatuck or nearby Laketown townships, and are described on the following pages: WILLIAM GAY BUTLER of Allegan County, Michigan Territory Purchased at White Pigeon Prairie Aug. 15, 1833 1.59 acres NW sec 10 South Haven Twp. Van Buren Co. May 20, 1834 83.83 acres NESW sec. 9 Saugatuck Twp Allegan Co. SENW sec.9 " NWSE sec.9 " Nov. 6, 1834 -83.85 acres W1/2S1/2 sec. 3 South Haven Twp. Van Buren Co Nov. 6,1834 -118.6 acres NW sec. 20 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. Nov. 6,1834. -113.06 acres SW sec. 20 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. Nov. 6, 1834 -32. acres SWNE sec. 4 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. Nov. 6, 1834 -22. acres- S1/2NE sec. 20 Spring Lake Twp. Ottawa Co. Dec. 1, 1835- 1.78 acres -NE sec. 15 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. Dec. 1, 1835 -40 acres -SESE sec. 8 Saugatuck Twp, Allegan Co. Dec. 1, 1835 - 23.24 acres- NW sec. 14 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. Dec. 1, 1835 -80 acres -W1/2SE sec. 3 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. (with Rensselaer Rose Crosby and Edwin S. Jonnott) Purchased at Bronson Sept. 10, 1838 -80 acres -E1/2SE sec. 27 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. (with William Plummer) Purchased at ionic Dec. 15, 1855 40 acres -NENE sec. 9 Laketown Twp. Allegan Co. March 10, 1856 -160 acres NESE sec. 9 Laketown Twp, Allegan Co. S E N E sec. 9 -" W1/2NE sec. 10 -" Purchased at Kalamazoo March 10, 1856 -40 acres SWNW sec. 15 Saugatuck Twp. Allegan Co. March 10, 1856 -40 acres SWNW sec. 9 Valley Twp. Allegan Co.

