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Saugatuck High School graduates 1878-1906


This information was copied off the SDHC website in September 2023 in preparation for a new website.

Education and schools

Winthers, Sally

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Saugatuck Union School 1866-1896Saugatuck Public School 1897-1950

OCR scan of the pages: In 1838 there was only one organized district in all the region of Newark township, with forty-two pupils of school age. In that year ninety dollars was raised for building a schoolhouse. In the following year five hundred dollars was appropriated for building a schoolhouse. A private school, attended by five pupils, is mentioned in that year. The first school in the vicinity is said to have been a private school, held near Singapore. By 1840 three districts were organized in the township, of which district No. 2 eventually became limited to comprise the territory of Saugatuck village. At a school meeting September 3, 1866, it was resolved to grade district No. 2. Bonds to the amount of four thousand dollars were issued to pay for a new schoolhouse. Thus Saugatuck was one of the first villages of the county to have a graded school. The first board of trustees for the graded district were : James G. Williams, moderator ; Geo. E. Dunn, director ; Frank B. Stockbridge, assessor, and Samuel Johnson, Warren Cook. H. H. Stimson. Dr. Stimson, the last named, is still living and one of the very oldest residents of the village and vicinity. Clara Stimpson and Mary Porter were hired to teach the first term. August, 1867, R. Barnard was hired as principal and continued until 1872. His successors have been: W. L. Swan. 1872; W. P. Sutton, 1875; G. W. Bellows, 1878; Ida Shotwell, 1881 : E. G. Trowbridge, 1882; James Warnock, 1892; E. H. Calhoun, 1896: P. A. Latta, 1897 to the present time. Mr. Latta is one of the strongest, as he is perhaps the oldest of Allegan county's educators. He has been engaged in school work almost continuously for forty years. The old school building, together with a ward school, was in use for thirty years. In September, 1896, district No. 2 voted a five thousand dollar bond issue, the bonds payable at intervals through eight years. A bid of six thousand two hundred and thirty-two dollars for construction of a two-story brick building was accepted and the school was accepted and has been in use since the summer of 1897. The following record of graduates of the high school has been taken from the alumni book, there being no list of graduates in the official records of the school officers : Graduates of the High School, Saugatuck. 1878 — Maria Newnham, Grace Taylor. 1880 — Abbie Wheeler, Jessie House, Anna Griffin. 1886 — Minnie Breuckman. Clara Elliott. 1890 — John Nies. 1891— Grace Baudle, Josie Simonson, Grace Halverson, Mary Hirner, Josie Goshorn. 1892 — Louisa Lundgren, William Baker, William Dole, Belle Smith, William Smith, Mattie Hames, Minnie Reid, Clyde Reid, Myrtle Allen, George Knowles, Rena Ames. Rosina Perry, Cora Hollister. Charles Knowles, Winnie Cummings, James Smead, Lena Randall. 1893 — Mae Francis, Gilbert Pride, Mae Naughtin, Emma Randall, Archie Pierce, Gertrude Shriver, Ray Nies. 1894 — Oscar Wiley, Lanus Swemer, Anna Haut, Mattie Dole, Harry Bird, Susie Tisdale. Mamie Lundgren, Winnie Dole, Nellie Van Leuin, George Pride, Mabel Coif, Lizzie Nysson. 1895— Allan Falconer, Arthur Williams, Carrie Inderbitzin, Ethel Sutton. 1896 — Joseph Swemer, Harry Newcomb, John Schumaker, Pearl Phelps, Jason Dick, Bessie Bandle, Bina Annesley, Edith Brown, 1899— Harry Oleson, Murba Greenlees, James Koning, Amelia Shriver, Mattie Simonson, Herman Simonson. 1900 — William Tisdale, Edward Winslow, Elsie Vork, Florence Updyke, Gussie Barber, Russell Knox, Laura Miller, Charlie Upham, Bessie Newnham, Mae Belle Haywood, Blanche Baudle, Arie Koning, Ethel Baker, Ella Brown, Worth Durham. 1901 — Clarence Winslow, Robert Oleson, John Blink, Jennie Veits, Olive Ludwig, Louisa Walz, Mattie Hirner, Marie Upham, Faith Kirby, Ethel Winslow, Lottie Hancock, Mamie Schumaker, Florence Miller, Howard Coates, Louis Knox, Clarence Halverson. 1902 — Jessie Veits, Elsworth Ellis, Eldon Dick, Josephine Walberg, Louise Johns, Anna Oleson, Stella Dailey, Mildred Ireland, 1903 — Margaret Coxford, Pearl Heuer, Blanche McGregor, Bessie Wilson, Edith Leland, Eva Lundgren, Julia Shriver, Jennie Vork, Edith Brown, Bessie Riley, Theodore Hoffman, George Bradley, Arthur Reynolds. 1904— Frank Wade, Blanche Lamreaux, Bessie Smalley, Fannie Dailey, Marie Walz, Lizzie Schumaker, Pearl Olsen, Adelaide Wade, Julia McIntosh, Anna Garton, Milton Coates, Grace Haberer, Bertha Weed, Mona Jones, Lucina Taylor, Mack Atwater, Eva Haberer, Charles Atwater, Lizzie Dreher. 1905 — MacLean Babcock, Lottie Force, Edna Oleson, Maud Johns, Frances Garton, Jessie St. Johns, Gladys Rapalee, Edward Burdick, Edna Link, Mabel Wilson, Mary Randall, Nita Fort, Irene Kingsbury, Frank Johns, Eileen Manning, Myron Heath, Estelle Heath, Edward Redpath, Ellsworth Lundgren, Anna Burch, Faye Meade, Sarah Tisdale, 1906 — Chris Walz, Dorothy Dailey, Jessie Crow, Cornelia Koning, Alfaretta Smalley, Frank Smith, Charles Gilman, Alta Arends, Leon Chase, Marie Schaberg, Julia Brittian, Helen Erikson, Lizzie Dorman, Lois Helm, Robert Goodwin, Dawn Meade, Dora Wentzel.

