Offical Proceedings of the Allegan County Board of Supervisors
Staple-bound booklet of reports on the activities of the Allegan County Board of Supervisors. The pages record payments for services, referendum vote tallies, bovine tuberculosis eradication efforts, issuing bonds, road and bridgework, mileage equalization, taxes, repairs to New Richmond bridge, the spreading of chloride on the roads outside villages, expenses for the poor commission [Saugatuck spent $48 on food, $1.50 on medical care, $50 on funeral expenses, $38 on transportation], expenses for "covert" roads, education, drains, cemeteries, rural electrification and libraries.

Granular detail about running a county.
Allegan County governmentTransportation: highway and road infrastructureUtilities and public infrastructureCemeteries and gravesHospitals, medical care and doctorsTransportation: bridgesEducation and schools
Winthers, Sally
Apr 12, 1927 - Jan 14, 1928
8-1/2 in
6 in
Files Accession Number
Scarlett, John A. 1877-1965