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Philetus Purdy barns and landing log slide


Print, photograph

Gravel Pit/Indian Cut/Purdy's Landing/Mack's Landing

089 Ghost Towns


Photos are significantly faded. Catalog images have been contrast enhanced.

Purdy, Philetus "Fleet" 1835-1922

Mention of the logslide/landing photo from the December 2016 SDHS newsletter By Mary Voss Last month we reported on our receipt of a large collection of historical documents and photos from the late Charles Lorenz. What fun to find such great pictures as we begin to work through the Lorenz collection! The image above is of the Philetus Purdy Landing on Riverside Dr. and 63rd. It's not often that these old pictures have the location identified. No date is listed but I'm assuming it must have been in the heyday of logging in the 1870-1890s. An accompanying photo of the men of the Fennville Gun Club was dated 1878. Most of what we have gone through so far is research material for Charles' book on the early history of Saugatuck. We were able to purchase a used copy on-line, privately published in 1983. It will be interesting to compare the finished product with the research when we receive the copy.

Jack Sheridan's comments on CatalogIt entry 2022.58.02 There have been a lot of related Purdys in the area going way back This photo location is Mack’s Landing [written on back of photo]. Philetus Purdy was born in New York State 1835. Was living in Saugatuck 1850. At least one of his occupations was fruit farmer. He may have had the nickname “Fleet”. In the photo below [last photo in entry], that is Fleet sitting at the table second from left [he has the winning hand]. These guys are all mariners. There was a Kalamazoo River steamer with the name Alice Purdy. There is a photo of it docked at Mack’s Landing.

