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Newark Township 1840 Census


1840 Newark Township Census On the 1830 census there is no one described as living within the boundaries of what would later be Allegan County. Although William G. Butter, his wife and two children had probably already arrived, it is likely that no census taker braved the wilderness to count them. On the 1840 census, Newark Township took up only a single page and included present-day Laketown, Ganges, Casco, Clyde and Lee Townships. There were 20 households and 121 individuals. Only heads of households were named. The number of males was listed by categories e.g. "under 5," "5 & under 10," etc., followed by a similar table for females. All the people in a single household were listed including boarders and servants. The table on the right lists the number of persons in each family employed in "Mining, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures and trades, Navigation of the ocean, Navigation of canals, lakes and rivers, and Learned professional engineers."

SDHS NL Inserts1830 Settlement, pioneer era

Winthers, Sally

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Loomis, Levi 1810-1892Morrison, Stephen A. Jr. 1815-1905McLaughlin, JamesButler, William Gay 1799-1857Plummer, Benjamin 1802-1885Nichols, Stephen D. 1806-1887Billings, John Henry 1811-1874Haile, James C. "Uncle Jimmy" 1800-1870Wadsworth, James W. 1831-1899Hutchins, Harrison 1815-1893Smith, George NelsonHarris, James 1807-1885

Levi Loomis A carpenter and joiner, he came to Michigan from New York in 1835 and built a sawmill on Swan Creek for the Boston Company. In 1837 he and his wife, Sally, floated their household goods down the river to Singapore where he was hired as a millwright. The Loomis family moved to Ganges Township to take up farming in 1840. His sister, Emily, was the third wife of William G. Butler. Stephen Morrison Vermont-born, he came to Saugatuck in 1835 and bought the tannery started by Johonnet and Crosby. Shortly after the census he was married to Mary Elizabeth Peckham, the township's first school teacher. The two men and one woman living in his household in 1830 were probably workers. Morrison lived until 1905 and was one of Saugatuck's most influential citizens. James McLaughlin Originally from Maine, he built the first flouring mill in Allegan in 1837 and then moved to Saugatuck where he was a ship's carpenter. Some sources credit him with several boats between 1838 and 1849 when he left to accept a federal position as farmer to the Indians at Northport and, later, built the first mill in Elk Rapids. His first wife was the sister of Mrs. George Smith, the missionary. William G. Butler The first settler in Allegan County, arriving in 1830. In 1840 he is shown as a farmer with his second wife and her two children, and two older children from his first wife who had died in 1835. By 1850 he had moved to Manlius Township. Butler died in 1857, only one of his children, there were at least five and might have been more, survived him. Benjamin Plummer Benjamin and Elvira Plummer came to Newark Township from Maine, via Pennsylvania and Ohio, in 1834 and built a sawmill at the outlet from Goshorn Lake. Their son, Andrew, was the first white child born in the township to grow to maturity. In 1850 the family moved to Ganges Township and built a sawmill and store at Plummerville. Andrew Thorner or Thomas Little is known about Andrew Thorner (or Thomas). He is listed as a farmer on the census with a wife and four children under the age of five. Edward Wilder Probably one of the five sons of Oshea Wilder of Eckford who handled arrangements for the investors in Singapore. One of Oshea's sons was cashier of the Singapore bank. Almon Moulton His correct given name is Almarin and he was an engineer in the Singapore mill, one of two "Learned professional engineers" on the census. He must have taken in boarders because there are seven other workers in his household. He was justice of the peace in 1839, and witnessed the burning of the excess Singapore Bank currency in 1842. Harvey Leonard He was married and had a young daughter under 5. After the census in 1840, Leonard got caught up in a belt he was repairing in the old mill. The belt drew him upward into the machinery and he was crushed. Old timers say "the horrid marks" remained even after the mill was closed and vacant. Mrs. Wood The lone female head of household is shown as a woman between the age of 20 and 30, with one daughter under 5 and another between 5 and 10. Her occupation is listed as "manufactures and trades." Daniel Pike Little is known of Daniel Pike who is described on the census as between 30 and 40, with a wife, four sons and two daughters. His occupation is given as "commerce." S. D. Nichols Born in New Hampshire, Stephen D. Nichols moved westward to Chicago and then Michigan City, Indiana, where he was married in 1833. He moved on to St. Joseph before arriving, in 1834, at the mouth of the Kalamazoo River where he built a store, warehouse, docks and became keeper of the lighthouse. In 1855 he moved to a farm in the township. For a period he was also a Saugatuck storekeeper. The 1840 census gives his occupation as "agriculture." Moses Nichols A brother of the lighthouse keeper, above, he is described as a "vendor of ardent spirits." He owned land near the mouth of the river and ran a rough saloon frequented by rivermen and sawmill workers. He married in 1 848 and the 1 850 census lists him as a "grocer." John H. Billings In 1837 the family arrived at Allegan from New York and in 1839 settled on a farm in Ganges Township. In 1 841 Mrs. Billings and three of their six children were drowned on the river when their boat capsized. He married again in 1$42 and the family moved to Manlius Township, James G. Haile James and Martha Haile came to the lakeshore, south Douglas, in the early 1830's and built a small sawmill and, later, a large Greek Revival home which still stands. For many years the home was the social center of the area. James W. Wadsworth A native of Connecticut, he came to Michigan in 1836 via Fulton County, New York, and bought a farm in Ganges Township where he was the township's first assessor. The census of 1840 shows eight children, four sons and four daughters. Harrison Hutchins The first settler in what would be Ganges Township. In 1840 his household consisted of himself, his father, a sister and her three children, and his widowed brother-in-law. The old Hutchins homestead is now owned by Crane's Pie Pantry. Marmaduke Wood New Jersey-born Wood came to Clyde Township when it was organized. In 1840 he is shown in Newark Township with nine in his household. By 1850 he had moved to Manlius Township and, in 1851, was constable and director of the poor for Pine Plains {later Valley} Township.. George Smith George Nelson Smith, a native of Vermont, carne to Allegan County in 1833 with his wife and young son as a missionary, although he was not officially ordained until April 7, 1837, in the Congregational Church. In 1840 he was counted among the citizens of Newark Township although he probably lived in Manlius Township where he served as clerk 1841-43. In 1849 following continuing harassment by the new Dutch settlers, Smith, his family and his Indian mission moved to Northport on Grand Traverse Bay. James Harris English-born, he arrived in Singapore about 1838 to serve as mill machinist and blacksmith. He also was instrumental in the erection of the Bailey Mill in Clyde Township in 1840, opening a tavern nearby. On the 1840 census his occupation is not described. About 1866 he returned to the Saugatuck area.

This information was OCR text scanned from SDHS newsletter supplements. Binders of original paper copies are in the SDHC reference library.

