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Employees of the Fruit Growers Bank 2


Mize Rose Garden north side/Fruit Growers State Bank/Clapp's Grocery/Flint's Shoes/Walz Meat Market/Griffin/TannerTill, Henry William 1898-1961Gilman, Charles Hailey 1917-1964Boyce, Edna 1902-1974Crow, Morton H. "Heath" 1910-1976Brady, Lemuel "Lem" Rawlings Sr. 1889-1959


Voss, Mary

1934 - 1940

Fruit Growers Bank Employees 1935-1940 approx

Files Accession Number

Not rated

Gilman, Charles Hailey 1917-1964

Boyce, Edna 1902-1974

Bekken, Everett V.L.

Crow, Morton H. "Heath" 1910-1976

Brady, Lemuel "Lem" Rawlings Sr. 1889-1959

Status: On Loan Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2016-03-28

