Wicks Park Merry-go-round
A girl and two women seated on a metal playground carousel. The girl is biting into a cloud of cotton candy. She had a camera in her free hand. A beer can lays near her sandal-clad feet. Her legs are bare. A creepy caption reads "See me at Saugatuck, Mich. P-1796"
This image was featured as History Mystery #60 with the solution: Wicks Park ca 1940 - about where the band shell is today.
Digital scan
Anchor Park Amusement Center 1951-1975
See 2022.21.630 for a winter photo of the site that shows the merry-go-round apparatus.
1930+ Tourism, activites, tours and attractions
Winthers, Sally
Digital data in CatalogIt
These image(s) were copied from the SDHC photo blog [or the Jack Sheridan drive if that was a superior version] in preparation for updating the SDHC website in 2023.