Clubs collection
Miscellaneous items related to clubs, scouting and other pro-social and community organizations:
Arbeiter Verein German Society of Saugatuck, 1879 Constitution Booklet.
Busy Bee Club meeting photo (scan) taken at the house of May Heath (525 Butler Street). Includes a card with names of members in the picture.
Butler Street Boy's Club newspaper clipping
Fish and Game Club certificate from the State of Michigan, glass ashtray with the initials “FSG”
Gun Safety Club patch
Jaycees/Junior Chamber of Commerce newspaper clippings
Larkin Club photo
Masonic Lodge “Pre-Centennial-Bicentennial Event” Flyer, October 16th, 1976.
Saugatuck Lodge Meeting Program, No Date, 1965.
Masonic apron.
Model Yacht Club newspaper clipping
Odako Horizon Club booklet
Peachbelt Gun Safety Club patch
Rotary newspaper clippings
Scouting: Boy scouts and sea scouts document
Unlabeled photo of 12 women sitting in front of a house. There are 2 more people looking out the windows in the background.
Woman's Literary Club newspaper clipping
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Fall Reunion Program and associated documents, October 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 1959.
Library: 2 copies of “A sampler of Michigan Women-Their Lives Through Song” Program, No Date, No Year.
NEA Big Read Lakeshore Fall 2018 National bestseller Booklet.
Friends of Saugatuck-Douglas District Library Ice Cream Social Flyer, June 27th, 1999.
New Approach to Saugatuck Luncheon Program and Invitation, October 15th, 1993.
Note: The Columbine/Douglas/Saugatuck-Douglas Garden Club, S-D Art Club, Woman's Club, Music Appreciation Clubs, Chamber of Commerce and Yacht Club have their own boxes.

Clubs and social organizationsScouting and Campfire
Winthers, Sally
069 Clubs
Masonic Lodge #328 F. & A.M. SaugatuckBoy ScoutsSaugatuck Sea ScoutsJunior Chamber of Commerce/JayceesSaugatuck Fish and Game ClubTwentieth Century Club 1902-Lions Club, Saugatuck-DouglasArbeiter VereinLakeshore Gardeners ClubBusy Bee Club