Dune by Vernon Lobb
34.25x30" Oil Painting of dunes near Ox Bow by Vernon Lobb. Framed in a white washed wooden frame.
Voss, Mary
Lobb, Vernon
1955 - 1960
Date: 1959
ArtPainting of Sand DuneOx Bow painting
Director Office
Several small areas of loss of paint approximately 1/16" diameter along lower 1/5th of canvas.
Lobb, Vernon
The painting was done by Vernon Lobb around 1959. It was of the area between OxBow and Lake Michigan. At that time vegetation was short. 60 years later trees are much taller. He was a scholarship student and lived upstairs in the Waldorf Astoria which was the building on the waterfront. (Lagoon) The ground level was the print studio. It became a safety risk like the old gallery and was torn down. - Mike Van Ark. Status: OK Status By: Mary Voss Status Date: 2018-01-08