Plate, Calendar 1912
1912 calendar plate stamped "Compliments of J. A. Aliber, Saugatuck, Mich."
The plate's textured rim is adorned with transfer images of five chubby and modest cherubs aloft among grey-blue clouds, golden ribbons and calendar pages. The center of the plate is decorated with clusters of purple and green grapes and attendant leaves. The scalloped edge of the plate is embellished with a gold-colored stripe.
Back of plate has a manufacturers mark "Carnation McNicol"

J.A. Aliber more likely refers to James A. Aliber (grocer 1853-1918), than his only son, John A. Aliber who was 16 years old in 1912 or to the steamship/tug named the John A. Aliber.
Winthers, Sally
1 in
9-1/4 in
Sec 5E Shelf S7
Some scratches and wear, most noticeable in the printed areas. Sticky residue from a price tag remains on the front, above the Aliber imprint, and some matte, cream-colored residues on the back.
Aliber, John Amos 1896-1983Aliber, James Amos 1853-1920John A. Aliber (boat) 1897-c1927